Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Advocasy or Analysis

The author, Andrew Romano, wrote the article "How the Media's Real 'Bias' Works in McCain's favor.

I think that Romano is adovating for McCain in this article rather than analyzing the facts. The article seems to be very opinionated and one-sided and I can't see where he is being objective.

"I don't fault individual readers for seizing on isolated reports as evidence of the MSM's overarching ideological bias. It happens to me all the time. One week I'll write an item critical of McCain and a commenter will call me a "degenerate marxist." The next week someone else will say I'm a "FOX News butt boy" for criticizing Obama. Neither reader has weighed both items in their analysis--let alone the 1,400 others I've posted since last September. That's more than understandable--and it's exactly what happens on a larger scale with the media as a whole. Still, it's worth noting that groups that keep track of this stuff for us have found that the claims of pro-Obama, anti-McCain bias are wildly exaggerated" - Andrew Romano

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